Meditation and Its Benefits

Abourt Meditation - Inner Self Healing

Meditation is generally defined as a set of procedures or techniques used to induce a state of heightened awareness and focus. Contrary to popular belief, meditation is not limited to Buddhist monks; anyone can meditate. You can practice paying attention to phenomena such as inhaled air as it moves through your body, drawing your mind back to it whenever it tries to drift away. Meditation can help you incorporate long-term and far-reaching benefits into your life.

There are different types of meditation. However, have a variety of them does not mean that there is a wrong or right way to meditate. It is just a matter of choosing the one that suits you and complements your personality. They include:

  1.  Mindfulness meditation
    This is a type of meditation primarily practiced in the West since it is based on Buddhist teachings. You are required to observe and pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through the mind without analyzing or judging. It is an excellent procedure to harmonize your awareness and concentration.
  1. Focused meditation
    Here, you are supposed to use one of the body’s senses, such as breathing, and fully concentrate on it. It might seem like an easy task, but the number of beginners who find it challenging will prove you wrong.
  1. Mantra meditation
    This one entails repetitive phrases and sounds known as mantras, creating a sense of alertness.
  1.   Spiritual meditation
    Believers mainly do this. They focus on a prevailing silence to seek an in-depth connection with God. They can use oils such as myrrh and frankincense to improve the meditation experience.
  1.   Visualization meditation
    This is primarily an imagination technique that requires the use of most (if not all) of your senses. Its main objective is to elevate your mood and boost motivation.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Generally, meditation will give you a sense of balance and peace, benefiting your health and emotional wellbeing. The good thing about it is that the benefits do not just end when the session ends; they are long-lived and can help you through your day, however challenging it seems.

Meditation and mindfulness and emotional wellbeing

When you meditate, you become aware of the present moments and existing surroundings rather than dwelling on past events or worrying about the future. You can clear away an overload of information that might be causing stress. Other emotional benefits include:

  •  You can gain a new perspective during stressful situations          
  • You can build new skills to manage your stress
  • You become more self-aware
  • Reduces negative emotions
  • You become more imaginative, tolerant, and patient.       

Health and Meditation

Meditation can also come in handy during illness. In fact, some studies and research suggest that it can help people manage symptoms of some health conditions such as asthma, cancer, anxiety, depression, hypertension, pain, and tension headaches.


Meditating entails simple practices that you can even do in the comfort of your home. The processes are straightforward, making it easy for anyone to participate. Why not embark on this calmness and serenity journey and make the most out of it?