Family Constellation Sessions

Solange uses Family Constellations with individuals and couples to help them understand how their parents, grandparents, and other ancestors, as well as major events, have affected their life today.


120 Minutes


Zoom or In-person

What Is Family Constellation?

Family Constellation seeks to uncover a previously unknown systemic dynamic that extends numerous generations in a specific family.
It assists clients in resolving the painful and detrimental repercussions of that dynamic by enabling them to face the truth of the past and realize how acceptance and healing may occur.

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What to Expect:

  • 60 Minute Session on Zoom or In-Person
  • We will talk about your family and ancestors have affected your life today.
  • Relaxing and calming effect during and after the session

Healing Benefits of Family Constellation

How do Family Constellation sessions help me?

This alternative approach was formed by German Bert Hellinger in the mid-1990s.

 It is a solution-based approach whose goal is to reveal the hidden dynamics in a family or relationship. The basic idea is that a family is a complex of energies interwoven from generation to generation. The unresolved issues are passed down to the next generations, almost like a loyalty response.

The Family Constellation’s main focus is the family’s energy, since we are quantum humans.However, an important vitality in Family Constellation is the energy of Love, which flows from the origin of our ancestors into the family line.

Bert Hellinger found three Love Orders that govern families. They are as follows:

  1. The first rule of Order of Precedence. The first-born child takes precedence over the second-born, and the parents take precedence over the children. A family’s order offers a sense of safety and stability; each member understands their place in the family system. When the order is not followed, it can lead to confusion and confusion.

  2. The Order of Inclusion, provides each family member to belong equally to the family system and is honored equally, regardless of individual characteristics or fate.  This belongs to them independently of whether they are gifted,  ‘normal,’ physically or mentally ill, or they died young or committed suicide. Everyone has an equal place.

  1. The Order of Balance demonstrates that each family member has their own path, no matter how challenging or devastating it may be in some circumstances. Every person must bear their fate totally, with all of its responsibilities, turns of events, and sentiments that come with them. Each person has personal responsibility for all they have done in their life, which goes hand in hand with one’s own fate. No one else in the family can take on another’s responsibility.

How Do Family Constellation Sessions Work?

What should you expect from your Family Constellation Treatment Session:

Before the start of your first family constellation session, you will meet with Solange Cheng, your therapist. During this time, I will introduce myself and explain the process. This will also be the time where you can let me know about your family history and areas of your life you would like to address.

Your family constellation session will be held in a quiet peaceful setting and you will either sit or lay fully clothed. Depending on your preference, soothing music can be played.

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Become a Better, Stronger You

Contact me today to start your sessions.

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