Energy Healing Workshop

Date/Time: Sunday, May 22nd, 2022 @9: 30-1230 pm Location: Online via Zoom Event Title: ENERGY HEALING WORKSHOP Topics: Chakras balance, Release emotional patterns, Family Constellations. ENERGY HEALING WORKSHOP The Energy Healing Workshop works on your emotional, physical, and spiritual healing using techniques such as Chakra Balance, Family Constellations, Systemic Meditations, and Essential Oils to release emotional patterns. The chakra are energy centers in the body. They are found in the astral body, going up and down the spine from the base of the spine to the top of the crown. The astral body is an energy body that exists within […]

Aura Cleansing Session | Reiki Practice -

What Are Chakras

 A Simple Guide to the Chakras and their Meanings You must have heard about ‘Chakras’ while researching yoga and meditation. Even if you have not heard of them, don’t worry. This article will cover the basics of Chakras. What is Chakra Chakra refers to ‘Wheel’, and it also refers to the energy points or the energy centre in our body. They are considered to be a spinning circle of energy that needs to stay open and aligned because they communicate with major organs and other parts of the body that affect our emotional and physical health. Types of Chakra It […]

Abourt Meditation - Inner Self Healing

Meditation and Its Benefits

Meditation is generally defined as a set of procedures or techniques used to induce a state of heightened awareness and focus. Contrary to popular belief, meditation is not limited to Buddhist monks; anyone can meditate. You can practice paying attention to phenomena such as inhaled air as it moves through your body, drawing your mind back to it whenever it tries to drift away. Meditation can help you incorporate long-term and far-reaching benefits into your life. There are different types of meditation. However, have a variety of them does not mean that there is a wrong or right way to […]