Energy Healing Workshop

Date/Time: Sunday, May 22nd, 2022 @9: 30-1230 pm

Location: Online via Zoom


Topics: Chakras balance, Release emotional patterns, Family Constellations.


The Energy Healing Workshop works on your emotional, physical, and spiritual healing using techniques such as Chakra Balance, Family Constellations, Systemic Meditations, and Essential Oils to release emotional patterns.

The chakra are energy centers in the body. They are found in the astral body, going up and down the spine from the base of the spine to the top of the crown. The astral body is an energy body that exists within our physical body. However, there 7 main chakras are located along the spine of the human body. Those chakra are correlated to the rainbow color, this way makes it easier for us to remember.

Chakras are connected to the organs and systems in the body in which they are situated. The chakras have a significant effect on human health, mental state, and personal relationships. They can be balanced or unbalanced depending on a variety of things along with our attitude, lifestyle, and surroundings, related to prior experiences.
The 7 main chakras are: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart Chakra, Throat, Third Eye and Crown.

Family Constellations is a powerful healing technique developed by Bert Hellinger that makes possible for the seeker the chance to look at life issues, acknowledge what is, understand the movement that needs to be done for the resolution, and that can start the healing movement. In a Family Constellation Workshop the clients can observe dynamics in their families, how that affects their everyday life, honor their ancestors, and bring back order to the Family System. So that, not only the family member who is receiving the Constellation as the whole Family can heal.

During the Energy Healing Workshop you will be able to recognize entanglements or other hidden dynamics that might be causing you emotional stress and to release these emotional patterns in yourself and in the family system. The facilitator will provide the essential oil to be used during this seguiment, so, you don’t have to buy any oils to heal your emotions during our Energy Healing Workshop. Solange and Fernanda will work as surrogate to you and your family.

You also will learn Systemic Meditations that you can do by yourself anytime you need support. Systemic Meditations are a powerful tool in our healing process. It can help us to overcome issues, find healing, and take our life fully.

𝐌𝐚𝐲’𝐬 Workshop
π—ͺ𝐑𝐞𝐧: Sunday, May 22nd @ 9am – 1230 pm EST⁣
π—ͺ𝐑𝐞𝐫𝐞: Β On Zoom (access emailed upon registration)⁣


About the Facilitators:

Solange Cheng is a Reiki Master, Energy Medicine Practitioner (by The Four Winds Society), Holographic Sound, Family Constellation Facilitator, 7 healings, Yoga, Tuning Forks, and Life Coaching. She became a powerful healer who found her path guiding clients after dealing with her own issues. A back pain during her second pregnancy introduced her to Reiki, and, later on, yoga, meditation, and flower essences were the way she found to recover from baby blue. She fell in love with yoga, and became an instructor herself. Perhaps her students wanted something else from her, and that led Solange to a wonderful journey of healing and knowledge. During her seven years of practice as a healer Solange dedicated her time to innumerous training, workshops, and seminars which make her an unique healer able to apply different techniques according to the client’s needs.

Fernanda Corazzari is a Family Constellation Facilitator with training in the US, Brazil, and Europe. Her path to becoming a facilitator began with an inward journey to understand who she is, what her wounds were, and how to activate her capacity for self-healing. Over twenty two years ago she began this deep search for true awareness.
The studies about Family Constellations started in 2015 and her practice as a Facilitator began 2 years ago. As a Facilitator, my mission is to support my clients to heal through seeing and releasing what is no longer necessary and finding inner balance. I look forward to facilitating your journey of healing, self-Love and self-acceptance. I feel honored to be able to provide you with the opportunity to experience this unique healing process.

𝐓𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭:⁣