What Are Chakras

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 A Simple Guide to the Chakras and their Meanings

You must have heard about ‘Chakras’ while researching yoga and meditation. Even if you have not heard of them, don’t worry. This article will cover the basics of Chakras.

What is Chakra

Chakra refers to ‘Wheel’, and it also refers to the energy points or the energy centre in our body. They are considered to be a spinning circle of energy that needs to stay open and aligned because they communicate with major organs and other parts of the body that affect our emotional and physical health.

Types of Chakra

It is said that there are more than 100 different chakras, 114 to be specific. However, there are seven main chakras, and each of them has a particular number, name, color and particular rea of the body.

Root Chakra

Location: In the tailbone area, the pelvic floor.

Color: Red

Root chakra creates a sense of safety and security which is one of the basic human needs. A blocked Root Chakra can cause emotional issues through the feeling of insecurity or lack of basic needs and well-being. When in the good glow, it gives us the feeling of stability and safety. 

Sacral Chakra

Location: Centre of lower belly button

Color: Orange

Sacral Chakra is also known as Sex Chakra. It is known to control one’s centre of pleasure and passion. Keeping Sacral Chakra inflow leads to improvements in sexuality, sensuality, reproduction, and relationships. However, if it goes out of flow, it causes emotional instability, sexual dysfunction, and lack of energy, or infertility in some cases.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: Upper Abdomen

Color: Yellow

Function: Self-Esteem, Confidence

This Chakra controls our personal power, which leads to our self-esteem and confidence. If it is imbalanced, we may face lower self-esteem, aggression, and dominating behaviour. It can also cause some physical issues such as fatigue, excessive weight, and digestive disorder.

Heart Chakra

Location: Centre of Chest, the Heart area

Color: Green

Function: Love Compassion

When the heart chakra is in balance, we feel an abundance of love and compassion. A blocked heart chakra may keep us live with the hurt of past adverse incidents.

Throat Chakra

Location: The Throat, the region of jaw, neck

Color: Blue

Throat Chakra is responsible for the element of ether. When in a good flow, it allows us to speak, listen, and express our feelings with authenticity. When it is not in good balance, we may face difficulty in expressing our true selves.

Third Eye Chakra

Location: Between Eyes

Color: Indigo

Known as “brow chakra,” leads to a strong intuition, release of ego, and inner wisdom when it is in good flow. The blockage can cause headaches and vision problems. The people who believe that they know it all could be facing the blockage of this chakra.

Crown Chakra

Location: Top of the Head

Color: Violet

This chakra is linked to cosmic energy. When it is in balance, we get the feeling of spiritual enlightenment and connection. Many believe that the idea of Crown Chakra is only for wise monks and gurus, which is not correct. Everyone has the power to connect to their best self gradually. The imbalance of this chakra may lead to depression, greed, narrow-mindedness, materialism.


BYRDIE. https://www.byrdie.com/chakra-basics n.d. 27 April 2021.

GOODNET. https://www.goodnet.org/. n.d. 27 APRIL 2021.

IARP. https://iarp.org/chakra-basics/. n.d. 27 April 2021.

mbgmindfulness.     https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-91/The-7-Chakras-for-Beginners.html.    n.d. 27 April 2021.